STEWARDS! Sign Up for Stewards Training at the bottom of the page!
The time to get involved is NOW!
Join SEIU Local 1107 for a day of strategy and union power!
We're coming together to share best practices for building a powerful labor movement and keeping our union strong.
In order to keep our union strong - so that we can win better contracts, make breakthroughs in organizing, and build a more just and equitable society - we have to focus on improving our member strength like our very existence depends on it (because it does!).
Sign up via Mobilize below.
Session #1: The Structured Conversation and the Story of "I"
Saturday, January 25th
Tuesday & Wednesday, January 28th-29th
Session #2: Accessing Your Workplace
Saturday, February 22nd
Tuesday & Wednesday, February 25th-26th
Session #3: AAR "Affirm, Answer, Redirect"
Tuesday & Wednesday, March 18th-19th
Saturday, March 29th
Session #4: Work Site Issues, Conversations, Mobilization
Tuesday & Wednesday, April 15th-16th
Saturday, April 26th
Session #5: Recruiting/Developing your Team of Coworkers
Tuesday & Wednesday, May 20th-21st
Saturday, May 31st
Session #6: Leader of Leaders
Tuesday & Wednesday, June 17th-18th
Saturday, June 28th
Sign up via Mobilize below.
Beginner Training
Available Dates:
Intermediate Training
Available Dates:
Advanced Training
Available Dates: