SEIU Local 1107

SEIU 1107 Caucuses

What are Caucuses?

SEIU Local 1107 recognizes that SEIU national, regional and area caucuses have proven to be an important means of support, advocacy, information exchange, and leadership development. The following is intended to provide guidance in establishing and supporting Local 1107 member caucuses.

Caucuses create a safe and meaningful space to facilitate the sharing of experiences, issues, and activities of our union's diverse constituencies. Additionally, caucuses can be an effective means to build member strength, share our union's vision and priorities, and create partnership in the communities we live and serve. Caucuses can be a voice for member constituencies and help SEIU Local 1107 evaluate strategic priorities and programs.

SEIU Local 1107 recognizes that the goals of national, regional and area/local caucuses includes, but is not limited to:

  • Advancing diversity in SEIU membership as a source of strength through the principles of unionism, inclusiveness, empowerment and self determination;
  • Developing, advocating and monitoring issues identified by constituents and work with the Local 1107 through education;
  • Serve as a resource to Local 1107 in organizing, political action and community involvement;
  • Promote and advance leadership development and training on all levels of Union representation.

Our Caucuses

This page is a work in progress. We will continue to add the remaining caucuses' information here!

African American Caucus (AFRAM)

The National African American Caucus of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is committed to enhancing opportunities for education, training mentor-ship, leadership development and networking for SEIU members and staff of African descent.

We further engage to promote social, economic and political justice within our workplace, our communities, our nation and within our union.

We shall further encourage our members to actively engage in efforts to organize the unorganized and to fully participate in the development and implementation of labor's political agenda and programs.

Latino Caucus

The Latino Caucus at SEIU 1107 aims to advocate for Latino workers' rights, interests, and well-being within the union and the broader community. The caucus serves as a platform for Latino members to come together, share experiences, and address the unique challenges the Latino workforce faces.

We work to ensure that Latino voices are heard and represented in the workplace, in our communities, and in the political arena. Our goal is to empower Latino members through education, advocacy, and solidarity.
