SEIU Local 1107

Join Our Growing Union Movement to Win $20 an Hour and Quality Home Care!

If you're a non-union home care worker and want to join our movement, fill out a union card here .

If your agency is already represented by SEIU 1107, become a union member here and contribute to our political action fund here .

To get involved or for more info, contact 702-755-4307 or

Through our united action, home care workers won the historic $16 minimum wage and funding increase. Over 1,000 caregivers have voted by a landslide to join SEIU 1107 and hundreds have achieved strong union contracts.

But we can't stop here. We urgently need to build on this foundation and keep making more progress toward a better future for our clients, our families and ourselves. That's why we're advocating powerfully for our “Silver State Home Care Standards” in the legislature:

  • $20 minimum wage
  • Increased funding
  • More client hours
  • Professional training
  • Reduced red tape

“Providing loving care to others is my God-given life's purpose. An essential part of that mission is speaking out for our clients through our union. Over 1,000 home care workers, including me, have voted to join our union and hundreds more are on their way. There's strength in numbers - the more who join our movement, the more we can win!” - Malu Lopez, Nevada home care worker

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